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Stage Manager

About Me!

Libby is a Pittsburgh, PA native and proudly holds a BFA in Theatre Design/Technology from Otterbein University. Inside the rehearsal room, her goal is to create a welcoming space that is both fun and productive to work in. She is a relationship-oriented leader that strives to be a helping-hand in creating a product that everyone can be proud of.

Outside of theatre, Libby spends a lot of her time making plans with her friends and listening to music. When the weather is nice, she loves to be outside and try to find the best spot in town to watch the sunset. Some of her favorite hobbies include baking, photography, thrifting, journaling, and taking care of her many plants! She also enjoys traveling to new cities while trying to visit every museum along the way. 



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Contact Me!


I can't wait to be in touch with you soon!

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